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Meet The Team

Hi, we are Bryan, Timmy, Grace and Kelly and we are from year five. We are working on a special project called”PYPX” where we reflect on critical issues and try to make a difference. We decided to focus on poverty. We believe that poverty is a serious problem in our society. And we have noticed that children are losing education, and some people are struggling to survive so we must try our best to help.  

Donation Boxes
Donation Boxes
Image by Jordan Opel

Central Idea:

Poverty exists globally and has an impact on society.

Our Lines of Inquiry:

1.Types of poverty

2.The causes of poverty

3. Poverty and its impact on society

4.Society's responsibility with helping people in poverty




When we are doing our PYP, we need to think things form different ways and in the future we can think in different ways!​

Learner Profiles




We chose caring because it can help us in the PYP and in the future we will have more friends.​

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We also chose thinker because we need to reflect on our works. Being a thinker is important for us to learn new knowledge.

Key and Related Concepts



What is poverty?



How does poverty lead to homelessness?



How can we improve people's lives who are living in poverty?​

How do charitable organisations help to change people's lives?


Without the help of our government, there may be more homeless people.



There are many organisations in the society that helps improve the situation.



If we could build a closer relationship with charities, we will have more opportunities to help.

international day for poverty.jpg

Field Trip

We are the poverty team and our school “ISA” have a connection with a charity called “Homeless love". Thursday 29th of February, 7:30pm – 10:45pm, we volunteer to help the homelessness at the homeless love charity. Everyone wore warm jacket and brought flashlights. Everyone gathers at ISA Tian He and our two mentors: Ms Tara, Mr Moises, and the driver Mr li (who should not be working this late) decided to help us, so we got in Mr li’s car, and he took us to the place where we pack the food and supplies, the OneLink carpark. 


When we arrived at the carpark, we saw some volunteers holding boxes of drinks and foods. Sam gave everyone unopened homeless love bag and told us to open these, so everyone started to open these bags. Many trucks seem to come, one is holding fruit, one is holding Rice and noodle. Sam told everyone to put equal food and drink in one bag otherwise, there might be a fight when one of them have two bananas but other people only have one so they will fight because of unfairness. After hearing what Sam said we equally put food in the bag. Each bag contains an instant Noodle, a biscuit, a juice, an egg, a banana, a pear and beside all of that there is also a tomato scrambled egg rice. 

When everyone works together things always become successful, and after a fleeting time of 30 minutes that normally takes 1 hour, we finally finish packing 400 bags of food. we got a lovely photo with Homeless love member and volunteers, another homeless love member thanks all of us for helping this charity. The next step is delivering the food to the homeless. 

After the packing, we start to deliver food, each car contains 60 bags and 30 rice and noodle, Mr Li drove us to Zheng Jia Plaza, when we arrived, we saw a kind old man sitting on the rock bench waiting for food. we gave him a bag of snack and rice to him, he said thank you very much to us. We ask him where the other man is, He said “that the other old man did not come today.” Then we said goodbye to lovely kind old man, and we went back to Mr li’s car. " The next destination is Lie De. we went under a small bridge; we saw many tents, most of the homeless people are sleeping in these tents. Ms Tara said that if they are sleeping, do not wake them up, just put the food beside them, so we put food beside every tent without making any noise but when Timmy and Ms Tara are giving out food, a homeless man reject the food and drink and what we think is the reason is that the homeless man is not hungry and maybe he don’t want to be embarrassed because he is so poor. 

After Lie De, our last destination is Edsa Island. When we got there, there is like enormous amount of people wating for food. We stand in a line of four, Bryan gives out bag, Grace gives out rice and noddle, Timmy gives out chopstick for the rice and noddle n and Kelly gives out eggs. When we are setting up everything, the 30 homeless men run toward us, and we start to give out food. Everything is going great; everyone gets the food and leave until Ms Tara saw a greedy person in a brown jacket took two times of many foods as the other, and because of that, some homeless people cannot receive the food even though they really need it. After that, it is getting late, and our parents have been waiting for us, so we must go back to school now. When we arrived at the school, we said goodbye to each other and head to our own home. 



In this field trip we learned that you cannot understand how hard it is to survive homeless until you step in their shoes with you have food on the table, roof over your head meanwhile people are surviving on the street using their last penny to buy living supplies and you buying what you want. We also learn that there are kind people in the world who will help homeless people and gave them love and let them know that we are all together in this, but if we cooperate, we can end poverty. 

Research Essay

Do you know that according to, approximately 9.2% of the global population, or about 700 million people are living in extreme poverty? That’s a lot of people on our planet, so we must act! In this essay we will discuss the meaning of the term poverty, its impact on society and how we can all work together to help people. We hope that this essay can possibly spark some changes in the way we think about poverty and as a society move towards a common goal of wanting to see an end to people living in such conditions. 


As stated by World Vision, Canada, ‘’poverty refers to lacking enough resources to provide the necessities of life—food, clean water, shelter and clothing. But in today’s world, that can be extended to include access to health care, education and even transportation’’. It is broken down into to two categories: absolute and relative poverty. According to the website, absolute poverty is when a person or household does not have the minimum amount of income needed to meet the minimum living requirements needed over an extended period. The international labour organization’s website defines, relative poverty to be a situation in which people cannot afford actively to participate in society and benefit from the activities and experiences that most people take for granted. This issue exists globally and has an enormous impact on society.  


Now you know the meaning of poverty, we will tell you about its impact on society. Poverty has an enormous impact on society such as children going without basics, and it can also mean people missing cheerful everyday life and activities that other kids take for granted. It leads to the harming of children's health, social and emotional wellbeing, and education. It changes their childhood and their future. If children grow up without basic needs and with no education, this will lead to countries having fewer talented people, children have a lot of imagination and creativity, which leads to them growing up to be contributors to the further development of societies and if we keep having poverty it will cause the economies of countries’ to shrink. If we look at the situation in the poorest countries such as South Sudan, we can see how living in poverty affects people and the way they treat each other. The violence levels are high as people do not have enough resources to live basic lives. 


The issue of poverty is a big one that cannot be resolved overnight. What we can do in the meantime is look at some practical ways in which we can help people affected by it. Within the society we currently live in, there are many charities that help homeless people and people that live below the poverty line. We could get in touch with these charities and see if they require any assistance such as becoming a volunteer or donating some money. We could think about not judging people or making fun of them - we are all human beings who should be treated equally. We all need help to live so why not help?! And in the future, we could also think about when we are adults and possibly own our own businesses, how might we treat our employees.  


The author Jeff Goin’s once said, “poverty isn’t defeated with wealth; it’s overcome by hope.” In conclusion, we know that poverty has a negative impact on society, and having an awareness about the impact of poverty is the first step to possibly one day resolving it. If you ever thought that helping poverty is the government's job and charity’s business than you’re wrong, because helping poverty is everyone’s responsibility and if we work together, we can end it! 


On February 29th, at 7:30pm – 10:45pm, we volunteered to help the homelessness together with Homeless Love Charity. We went to different places to give out food to those homeless people.  


We decided to help the Homeless Love charity, because that is an organization that we cooperated with a few years before, who have a connection with our school. We have found that this charity has helped a lot of people living in poverty, so we felt that this would be a positive way to help. As part of our action, we did a donation activity, where students and families donated supplies and  clothing for the homeless population in Guangzhou. 


So far we have received...:  

Lined Up Books
Colorful Alphabets


 I care a lot about my team and try my best to make my team successful. I put a lot of effort on our team's field trip reflection and essay.​

Book on Table


I put a lot of efforts on the action and the poverty donation PPT. I think the hardest thing is writing the  essay. 



 I'm proud of myself  because I have been working very hard even after  school. for our team, the hardest thing to do is to cooperate I think that we can be a better communicator.

Wall of ideas


 I put lots of efforts on poster and action. I think the hardest thing is to manage time wisely. We need to organize things better so that we can complete tasks on time.​



Book on Table
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