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The Arts

Meet The Team

Hello everyone! My name is Rebecca, I am 12 years old. I have been at ISATH for 7 years. My name is Pipi, I am 11 years old. And I just came to ISATH this year. Hi, I am Jamie, and I am 11 years old. I joined our class 1 year ago. 

We chose this topic because, nowadays, most people don’t think art is important. But it is closely related to our lives. If you are interested in this topic, please take your time to read our page.

Leaf Pattern Design

Our Central Idea:

Exposure to art can help people understand the importance of developing a creative mind.  

Our Lines of Inquiry:

  1. Arts​

  2. The importance of arts

  3. The conection between arts and our school life.


We need to listen to and respect others opinions. 

Learner Profiles



We need to think more about our own PYPX than before and be prepared for our meetings.




Arts can be a very difficult concept. Therefore, we need to think more and learn more about it.

Art Supply

Key and Related Concepts

Summarise your key and related concepts. How are they connected to your project?



What is art?



How is art connected to us and education?

art cover.png



What might be the consequences of sharing or experiencing different types of art?



Art uses symbols, color and textures to convey thoughts and feelings.



Art helps students to develop creative problem-solving skills.



Art is a way of communicating and making meaning

Field Trip

Location of field trip: Jinxing Middle Road 


Things that we did: We looked at stamps and money from ancient China. Dr. Piao introduced how people used those coins in the past. 


Things that we saw: In addition to the stamps and money, we also saw a huge golden coin that the emperor used to marry his wife. It is as big as a plate! 


Things we learned: We learned how to distinguish if a coin is a real one or a replica. 


Our favorite part: Our favorite part is the introduction of the huge gold coin. 


Suggestions for our next field trip: We need to prepare our interview questions in advance and make sure the interviewee understands all of them. 

Location of field trip: Guangzhou Museum 


Things that we did: We appreciated some art pieces of the two topics (Nature and Ancient Civilization) in the museum.   


Things that we saw: We saw the ancient art works and some fossils; we also saw some different ways of displaying.  


Things we learned: We got some ideas from the display of every different topic for our exhibition. 


Our favorite part: Our favorite part is the Nature part. Because we could see many animal specimens. They are made of real animal skins. 


Suggestions for our next field trip: We can organize a better field trip by planning it even earlier.  


Research Essay

Research Essay: The Arts 

Have you ever thought about why we need to create art? The artist Theodore Dreiser once said: “Art is the stored honey of the human soul.”  As you can see from this quote, art is an important thing in our lives. Therefore, in this essay we want to talk about what art is, why art is important and how art connects to our school life.  

Art is a way of communicating and making meaning, and this can be done in many ways. It uses symbols, colour and textures to convey thoughts and feelings. Art also shows human activity that includes creation, expression, beauty, and emotional power. It includes various forms such as visual arts, performing arts, and literary arts. Art, and its interpretation has varied throughout history and across cultures. Art is not just one tiny little thing; art is key to life! Art can also show people’s emotions or opinions. Did you know art is also a way to make friendships! For example, if someone plays the same instrument, they have a common interest so they can be friends. Art is important to society because it helps us to make bonds, allows us to think and create.  

Art is important because art can communicate information, shape our everyday lives, and be enjoyed for beauty. Everywhere you look, you can see art. Art can show peoples’ emotions or show themselves. Art can also help us understand our history, our culture, our lives, and the experiences of others in a manner that cannot be achieved through other means. For example, ancient cave paintings help us to understand how people lived in the past. It can also be a source of inspiration, reflection, and joy. For example, during one of our field trips, we visited Professor Piao. He told us that his discovery of art works on ancient coins when he was younger inspired him to continue learning about ancient dynasties through artwork, not solely books. Art can also help people to relax, for example some people like to listen to music, paint, or draw. Art can also create visually pleasing spaces for people, such as galleries and exhibitions. If people do not have art, then spaces around the world would be the same and repetitive.  

Working in the arts helps students to develop their creativity. When students are creative, this can lead to better problem-solving skills. This is the ability to break down a problem to understand it, and in turn the thinking of ideas to solve the problem, before evaluating those ideas to find the most effective solutions. This will help students with their future jobs and opportunities. For example, with the future of space exploration, we will need creative people to find solutions to problems that we do not know exist yet. Teaching several types of arts can present difficult concepts visually, making them easier for the students to understand. For example, many teachers use visual aids in their classrooms for students who do not know how to read yet, to show something in real life, or to make their lessons more interesting. Art is one of the most creative subjects that can be presented. Schools need art because students can use this to express their feelings, communicate, become more collaborative and think independently. 


Overall, art can be found everywhere in our lives, it is not only for people who have interests in art, but for all that want to help humanity thrive. If there were no art, we would not have been able to see the beauty in things. In other words, art helps us feel relaxed and forget about our problems and troubles. Art is a vehicle for creativity, it is not simply painting a picture.  


We wrote art lesson plans to all the year groups in Primary.

Year 1:

Y1 (2).jpg
Y1 (1).jpg
Y2 (2).jpg

Year 2:

Y3 (5).jpg
Y3 (1).jpg
Y3 (4).jpg

Year 3:

Year 4:

Year 5:

Y5 (4).jpg
Y5 (3).jpg
Y5 (2).jpg

We decidec to hold an art exhibition



I have contributed the research, essay and the lesson plans that we designed for our action. I spent a lo of time doing research for our group so that we could decide our topic. As a group, we did really well at working collaboratively to decorate the seminar room for our exhibition. Everyone focused on their own tasks. This allowed us to finish the decoration within limited time. We would like to improve our communication skills and be more patient.


My main contribution to the team is organizing our field trip. I helped contact Mr. Piao so that we had the opportunity to visit his studio. I also contributed the design of our collaborative journal covers. We would like to make improvements by splitting up the tasks equally and planning things ahead, so that we don't feel stressed or overwhelmed at the end of our project.

Pi Pi

I have contributed to the team by making Y5’s art lesson plan which is How to show movements in drawing. Everyone seemed engaged and we ended up with some fabulous art works. However, we struggled with the essay because we did not know how to explain our ideas using formal language. And we also spent too much time on typing. We need to improve our typing skills.


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